莫泽学习将参加SHRM24全国会议 发生在 伊利诺伊州芝加哥市麦考密克广场 从 2024年6月23日至26日. 来看看mg官方游戏中心吧!
莫泽学习 & 发展
莫泽学习 & 发展 specializes in training programs that address the issues found at the intersection of human development and technology.
在Moser学习,培训和发展是mg官方游戏中心的激情所在. We specialize in creating training programs that tackle the complexities at the intersection of human development and technology. mg官方游戏中心的习俗, 个性化课程旨在帮助您的员工应对这些变化,并在他们的角色和团队中脱颖而出. 在莫泽学习,mg官方游戏中心相信学习应该根据每个组织的具体需求进行定制. 例如, mg官方游戏中心已经看到了令人难以置信的成功,帮助企业利用团队学习来培养团队情谊, 处理无意识的群体偏见, 培训偶然的项目经理等等. 可以使用各种学习工具和技术, 你可以把你团队的教育提升到一个全新的水平. 请立即mg官方游戏中心,了解mg官方游戏中心的培训计划如何为您的组织提供额外的优势!
只有 10% of people are natural leaders — another 20% show some qualities of basic managerial talent that can be cultivated into high-quality leadership.
投资于正确的领导力培训项目, 管理者可以获得必要的技能来帮助他们的团队并提高绩效. 莫泽学习s’ 领导的必需品 is a comprehensive suite of six courses for developing key management capabilities such as decision making, 解决问题的策略, 或者有方向和目的的领导. Studies show that investing in these foundational trainings results in a 28% build-up of managerial capacities and a 20% advancement on job performances amongst staff members – giving leaders an invaluable edge! 课程可以作为您团队的全面领导之旅,也可以根据您的具体需求进行定制.
领导力基本要素是一个捆绑项目,包含6门课程,涵盖沟通技巧, 代表团, 时间管理, 决策, 促进有效会议, 和处理冲突.
75%的财富500强企业都在进行情商培训. 高情商能提高技能,提高个人和职业上的成功.
Research by the Center for Creative 领导 found that managers who practice empathetic leadership with their employees were viewed as better performers by their superiors.
同理心在培养有效的团队协作中起着至关重要的作用. 表现出良好同理心技能的管理者能够认识到员工的感受, 建立信任, 和同事之间的理解,创造一个充满尊重和欣赏的支持性工作环境 - all key factors that help improve morale. 莫泽学习提供了四门同理心培训课程,帮助你培养员工的同理心技能.
美国.S. Department of Labor estimates that making a bad hire can end up costing an employer 30% more than the employee's annual salary.
你是否在寻找一种有效的方法来雇佣最适合工作的员工? 工作基准就是你的答案. 使用主题专家, our process quickly discovers the skills and attributes required to help you make much more informed decisions about any job role.
TTI工作基准流程是一种简单而有效的评估所需发展能力的方法, 激励因素, 以及工作角色的行为同时考虑到预期的未来表现. 它还会评估员工在多大程度上符合你的主题专家定义的标准, 围绕人员配置和人才管理制定更明智的决策. Begin today with a review of how TTI’s 工作基准 Process can contribute to your talent management — and lay a foundation for success!
工作场所压力过大会降低工作效率, 影响质量, 并对身体和心理健康造成损害. 在这个研讨会上, participants will explore what causes their own personal stresses as well as learn how to effectively manage them through strategies and techniques. Additionally they’ll gain tools to build resilience against future sources of strain while also improving overall wellbeing.
美国员工的日常压力水平最高,达到57%. (西欧为39%). ——盖洛普工作场所状况研究
多元化、公平、包容、 & 归属感
更多的 than 3 out of 4 job seekers and employees (76%) report that a diverse workforce is an important factor when evaluating companies and job offers.
你的公司是否有兴趣讨论多样性问题, most candidates are nevertheless evaluating diversity when they research your company and during the interview process.
mg官方游戏中心的多元化和包容性培训为您的团队提供了建立凝聚力的知识, 积极的工作环境. 通过更多地了解他们的行为如何影响周围的人来释放他们的潜力!
Assessment tools can be incredibly valuable for businesses looking to improve performance and take their teams further. mg官方游戏中心利用TTI成功洞察的产品提供多样化的评估服务, 旨在帮助促进员工的专业成长, 生产力水平和工作投入. 来自DISC评估, to 压力 Quotient evaluations through Employee Engagement surveys all the way up to 360 评估 – we have something that can fit your organization’s needs! Take advantage today of our wide-ranging suite of assessments tailored towards making sure every team member is performing at peak potential. Moser学习可以为个人、团队、团体和促进者提供评估. See info sheets below for DISC personality assessments which can be a team learning experience or can be used to help individuals in one or two hour sessions. 当与驱动力评估相结合时,它可以帮助您理解团队和个人的动态.
仅培训一项就能使生产率提高22%, 但如果加上辅导,这个数字就会上升到88%.
mg官方游戏中心都有自己独特的沟通方式和与他人合作的方式. 是否在工作中融入mg官方游戏中心的团队, mg官方游戏中心的同行或客户, we must understand our own communication patterns and leadership style in order to be more effective in everything we do.
成功的商业领袖知道,调整自己的沟通方式可以带来更好的合作. Our coaching and mentoring programs are geared towards helping executives understand how they can adapt to different situations, both within the organization or with external contacts - ultimately resulting in greater success for everyone involved.
学习管理系统(LMS) & 管理服务
A 学习管理系统(LMS) allows organizations the opportunity to provide their users training anytime and anywhere.
Enable your employees with the skills needed for them to thrive in the workplace and continue to empower staff with ongoing learning and development in this one-stop-shop customized for your organization. 莫泽的L&D team make it easy by automating enrollments so new hires have the tools and knowledge to get started and continue to play an important role in your employee’s success by engaging them in the latest and greatest knowledge available to understand your brand, 产品, 服务及更多.
盘车间: 授权人 & 团队
DISC是衡量一个人行为的标准. 通过TTI进行的DISC评估通过观察四个因素来衡量一个人如何做他们所做的事情, 影响, 稳定, 和遵从性. DISC创建了一种围绕可观察行为的共享语言, 这反过来又改善了沟通, 订婚, 和自我发展.
驱动力是什么?? mg官方游戏中心的驱动力或动机是mg官方游戏中心行为背后的“为什么”. 他们是mg官方游戏中心早上起床后对工作感到兴奋的原因. 它们决定了mg官方游戏中心在个人生活和工作角色中所喜欢的东西. 它们由6个激励因素组成, 它们被分为两种不同的方法来测量每个因素.
mg官方游戏中心去 超越技术,帮助你受教育、赋权和成长.
学习总监 & 发展
学习 & 开发经理
高级顾问 & 接触管理器
想了解更多关于莫泽学习的信息 & 发展? 访问mg官方游戏中心的常见问题页面.
想要阅读更多来自mg官方游戏中心的主题专家? 看看mg官方游戏中心的莫泽学习博客.
mg官方游戏中心创造并提供商业学习体验. 因为mg官方游戏中心相信培训通常只是解决业务问题的一部分, mg官方游戏中心提供一系列的服务和产品,帮助您的员工提高工作效率. mg官方游戏中心根据您的特殊需要灵活地提供服务.
Zippia. 36个强有力的领导力统计[2023]:所有有抱负的领导者都应该知道的事情>,Zippia.com. 2月. 9, 2023, http://www.zippia.com/advice/leadership-statistics/